৪১ তম বিসিএস প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি - মডেল টেস্ট (উত্তরসহ) 41st BCS Preparation English Model Test with Answer
Question 1: ‘Melodrama’ is a kind of play of –
a. violent and sensational themes
b. historical themes
c. philosophical themes
d. pathetic themes
Answer: a
Question 2: Who among the following is a dramatist ?
a. George Bernard Shaw
b. E.M. Forster
c. T.S. Eliot
d. Stephen Spender
Answer: a
Question 3: Silent Woman written by —- ?
a. John Ruskin
b. Ben Jonson
c. Kalidas
d. Munshi Prem Chand
Answer: b
Question 4: Who did write first English dictionary ?
a. Boswell
b. Ben Jonson
c. Samuel Johnson
d. Milton
Answer: c
Question 4: Who of the following was both a poet and painter ?
a. Keats
b. Donne
c. Blake
d. Spenser
Answer: c
Question 5: Charles Dickens was the writer of –
a. Jane Eyre
b. Wuthering Heights
c. David Coperfield
d. Return of the Native
Answer: c
Question 6: T.S. Eliot was born in –
a. Ireland
b. England
c. Wales
d. U.S.A
Answer: d
Question 7: We look before and after pine for what is not a quotation from P.B Shelley’s — ?
a. The Cloud
b. Adonias
c. To a Skylark
d. Ode to the west wind
Answer: c
Question 8: ‘Cowards die many times before their death’ – occurs in Shakespeare’s.
a. Julius Caesar
b. Hamlet
c. Macbeth
d. Othello
Answer: a
Question 9: Which one does not relate to literature?
a. Epilogue
b. Monologue
c. Demagogue
d. Prologue
Answer: c
Question 10: Which of the following ages in literary history is the latest?
a. The Anglo Saxon Age
b. The Renaissance Age
c. The Romantic Age
d. The Victorian Age
Answer: d
Question 11: Romeo and Juliet is a –
a. comedy
b. tragedy
c.tragic comedy
d. morality play
Answer: b
Question 12: Who was the famous mock-heroic poet in English Literature?
a. Lord Byron
b. John Milton
c. Alexander Pope
d. Lord Tennyson
Answer: c
Question 13: Who wrote the poem ‘Solitary Reaper’ ?
a. Wordsworth
b. Shelley
c. Keats
d. Shakespeare
Answer: a
Question 14: Who is the only Trojan who did not speak evil of Helen and was gentle and kind to her ?
a. Priom
b. Hector
c. Paris
d. Penelope
Answer: a
Question 15: Who translated the Bible into English for the first time ?
a. Nicolus Udall
b. Thomas Norton
c. John Wycliff
d. Edmund Spenser
Answer: c
Question 16: Which of the following writers belongs to the romantic period in English literature?
a. Alfred Tennyson
b. Alexander Pope
c. John Dryden
d. S.T. Coleridge
Answer: d
Question 17 : Shylok যে নাটকের চরিত্র, সে নাটকটির নাম–
a. Doctor Faustus
b. The Merchant of Venice
c. The Way of the World
d. Arms and the Man
Answer: b
Question 18: What lies half sunk in the sand in Shelley’s “Ozymandias” ?
a. broken statue
b. two trunkless legs
c. an ancient palace
d. broken head of a statue
Answer: d
Question 19: ‘Lorna Doone’ is
a. a drama by Shakespeare
b. a poem by Tennyson
c. a novel by Blackmore
d. an allegory by Bunyan
Answer: c
Question 20: Wordsworth was inspired by —- ?
a. the French Revolution
b. the American Revolution
c. the Russian Revolution
d. the Industrial Revolution
Answer: a
Question 21 : ‘The Daffodil’ is a ———–
b.short story
Answer: c
Question 22: What is a funny poem of five lines called?
a. Quartet
b. Limerick
c. lampoon
Answer : b
Question 23: What is “Linguistics”?
a. The study of history
b. The study of literature
c. The study of porse
d. The Scientific study of language
Answer: d
Question 24: Where is expressed the view that ‘There is a divinity that shapes our ends?
a. In King Lear
b. In Hamlet
c. In The Tempest
d. In Merry Wives of Windsor
Answer: b
Question 25: Which one of the following does not mean ‘a road’?
a. Alley
b. Boulevard
c. Track
d. Lagoon
Answer: d
26.Man and Superman’ is a_______
a) tradegy
b) comedy
c) tragi-comedy
d) allegory
Ans: b
27.George Bernard Shaw got Nobel Prize in______
a) 1726
b) 1861
c) 1874
d) 1925
Ans: d
28.’Jacobean Period’ is English Literature refers to______
a) 1558-1603
b) 1625-1649
c) 1603-1625
d) 1649-1660
Ans: c
29.‘Paradise Lost’ attempts to—
a) Show that the Satan and God have equal power
b) Justify the ways of man to God
c) Explain why good and evil are necessary
d) Justify the ways of God to man
Ans: d
30.Who is famous for the theory of ‘Objective Co-relative’?
a) E.M. Forster
b) Somerset Maugham
c) Woolf
d) T.S. Eliot
Ans: d
31.Who is the author of the drama, ‘’You never can tell’?
a) G.B. Shaw
b) Ben Jonson
c) Christopher Marlowe
d) Shakespeare
Ans: a
32.Famous Irish poet and dramatist is–
a) W.B. Yeats
b) A. Pope
c) L. Tolstoy
d) H.G. Wells
Ans: a
33.”Caesar and Cleopatra”- is ?
a) A tragedy by Shakespeare
b) A poem by Lord Byron
c) A play By G.B Shaw
d) A Novel by S. Coleridge
Ans: c
34.Who wrote “The Waste Land”?
a) W.B. Yeats
b) T.S. Eliot
c) E.M. Forster
d) H.G. Wells
Ans: b
35.“April is the cruelest month” is written by –
a) W.B. Yeats
b) Frost
c) T.S. Eliot
d) Auden
Ans: c
36. Which is The Elizabethan Period ?
b. 1558-1603
c. 1603-1625
d. 1660 -1798
Ans: b
37. ‘Child is father of man’ is taken from the writing of —
a.P.B. Shelley
b.S.T. Coleridge
c.W. Wordsworth
d.A.C. Swinburne
Ans: c
38. Reading maketh a full man conference a ready man ; writing an exact man’ — Who said this ?
Ans: b
39. Which of the following school of literary writings is connected with a medical theory ?
a.Comedy of Manners
b.Theater of the Absurd
c.Heroic Tragedy
d.Comedy of Humours
Ans: d
40.Protagonist’ indicates–
a.the villain in a play
b.the leading character of actor in a play
c.the cloen in a play
d.the stage-director of a play
Ans: b
41.কোন ইংরেজ কবি যক্ষ্মা রোগে মৃত্যুবরণ করেন ?
a. P.B. Shelley
b. Robert Burns
c. S.T. Colerdge
d. John Keats
Ans: d
42.Dr. Faustus” was written by —
a. Ben Jonson
b. W. Shakespeare
c. Christopher marlowe
d. John Webster
Ans: c
43. Who wrote famous elegies “Lycidas”
a. Shakespeare
b. S.T. Coleridge
c. Alexander pope
d. John Milton
Ans: d
44.Ode to the west wind’ is by–
a. Keats
b. Shelly
c. Coleridge
d. Wordsworth
45.Who wrote “Biographia Literaria”
a. Lord Byron
b. Coleridge
c. Shelly
d. Charles Lamb
Ans: b
46. Who wrote to “Ode to a Nightingale”
a. Pope
b. Shelly
c. Wordsworth
d. Keats
Ans: d
47.Murder in the Cathedral’ is written by–
a. G.B. Shaw
b. Russell
c. T.S. Eliot
d. Samuel Becket
Ans: c
48.Charles Dickens is a great–
a. Poet
b. Critic
c. Playwright
d. Novelist.
Ans: d
49.Wordsworth was inspired by –
a. the French Revolution
b. the American Revolution
c. the Russian Revolition
d. the Industrial Revolution
50.What is ‘Catastrophy’?
a. The comical end of dramatic events
b . The tragic end of dramatic events
c. The comic tragic end of the play
d. none of the above
Ans: b