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Computer Database Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and Answers – Part 02
This Set of questions will help you to enrich IT Skills for competitive examinations.
- The relational model is based on the concept that data is organized and stored in two-dimensional tables called ……………………….
Ans: Relations
- ……………….. contains information that defines valid values that are stored in a column or data type.
Ans: Index
- Which of the syntax is correct for insert statement?
i) insert into <table_name> values <list of values>
ii) insert into <table_name> (column list) values <list of values>
Ans: Both of them (i & ii)
- ………………. First proposed the process of normalization.
Ans: Edgar F. Codd
- For using a specific database …………… command is used.
Ans: use database
- Which of the following is not comparison operator?
Ans: =<
- An outstanding functionality of SQL is its support for automatic ………… to the target data.
Ans: navigation
- ………………… is a special type of integrity constraint that relates two relations & maintains consistency across the relations.
Ans: Referential Integrity Constraints
- ……………..specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate.
Ans: HAVING Clause
- Drop Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a …………… constraint.
Ans: Foreign Key
- Processed data is called ………………..
Ans: Information
- …………….. is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide auditing capability.
Ans: SQL server service manager
- Data items grouped together for storage purposes are called a
Ans: record
- …………. contains data assisting day to day activities of the organization.
Ans: Operational database
- ………………… approach reduces time and effort required for design and lesser risk in database management.
Ans: Multiple databases
- HSAM stands for ……….
Ans: Hierarchic Sequential Access Method
- SQL server stores index information in the ………… system table
Ans: sys indexes
- The one guideline to be followed while designing the database is
Ans: It should avoid/reduce the redundancy.
- Which of the following is not a logical database structure?
Ans: Chain
- ……………. is a preferred method for enforcing data integrity
Ans: Constraints