মাদকদ্রব্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ অধিদপ্তর (DNC) এর উপ-পরিদর্শক পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান ২০১৯
Department of Narcotics Control (DNC) Sub-Inspector Job Exam Question and Solution 2019 under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ ০৬/১২/২০১৯

01.Who did you give the money —?
(তুমি কাকে টাকাটা দিয়েছিলে?)
A. for
B. by
C. with
D. to
Ans: D
এটা informal style
Formal: To whom did you give the money
02. It is necessary that he — the meeting.
A. joins
B. should join
C. join
D. must join
Ans: C
03.What is the meaning of the word ‘prima facie’?
A. outlook
B. face reading
C. face to face
D. at the first sight
Ans: D
04. All my efforts to bring – a compromise ended in smoke.
A. with
B. about
D. to
Ans: B
bring about মানে আনা, ঘটানো
05. Duncan কোন নাটকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চরিত্র?
A. Macbeth
B. Othello
D. King Lear
Ans: A
06. Which of the words is plural?
A. Formula
B. Vertex
C. Memoranda
D. Agendum
Ans: C
07.The accused person confessed that he – the car.
A. stole
B. had stolen
C. would steal
D. stolen
Ans: B
08. Which one is correctly spelt?
A. dirhea
B. diarhea
C. diarhoea
D. diarrhoea
Ans: B
09.The word ‘recalcitrant’ means-
B. amenable
C. docile
D. complaint
Ans: A
10.The opposite of ‘exonerate’ is-
A. acquit
B. absolve
C. convict
D. enchant
Ans: C
11. He was exempted —- attending the seminar.
A. from
B. by
C. for
D. without
Ans: A
12. A synonym of ‘impermeable’ is-
A. improbable
B. flexible
C. impenetrable
D. immeasurable
Ans: C
13. A man is known by the —– he keeps.
A. friends
B. money
C. asset
D. company.
Ans: D
14. A antonym of ‘vertex’ is –
A. pinnacle
B. trough
C. Zenith
D. culmination.
Ans: D
15. The man is true —— his word.
A. to
B. with
C. about
D. for
Ans: A
16. Which one is correctly spelt?
A. guillotin
B. guillotine
C. guilotin
D. gillotine
Ans: B
17. The word assiduity means-
A. reluctance
B. omnipresence
C. steadfastness
D. anxiety
Ans: C
18. An antonym of ‘benign’ is-
Q. malignant
B. salubrious
C. healthful
D. wholesome
19. The phrase ‘carry the day’- means to—-
A. pass time
B. be victorious
C. suffer
D. hope
be victorious গৌরবময় সাফল্য অর্জন করা।
20. His teacher had him—–for the test.
A. sit
B. to sit
C. sat
D. sitting.
Ans: A