বিগত বছরের ব্যাংক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষায় আসা Computer (ICT) অংশের প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর (পর্ব - ১) Previous Bank Job IT Question and Answer for all Private and Public Banks Subject: IT / ICT / Computer Exam taker: AUST
১। Which of the following is not the Section Break Option?
(A)Next Page
(B)Previous Page
(C)Odd Page
(D)Even Page
উত্তর: (B)Previous Page
২। Portrait and Landscape are
(A) Page Orientation
(B) Pager Size
(C) Page Layout
(D) All of above
উত্তর: (A)Page Orientation
৩। Which of the followings is word processing software?
(A) WordPerfect
(B) WordPad
(C) MS Word
(D) All of above
উত্তর: (D)All of above
৪। Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as
(A) Storage
(B) Output
(C) Input
(D) Information
উত্তর: (A)Storage, (C)Input
৫। Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folders etc, are:
(A) Icons
(B) Desktop
(C) Task bar
(D) Windows
উত্তর: (A)Icons
৬। Which type of cable is used to connect the COM port of a host to the COM port of a router or switch?
(A) Crossover
(B) Straight-through
(C) Rolled
(D) Shielded twisted pair
Answer: (C) Rolled
৭। Which protocol can cause overload on a CPU of a managed device?
(A) Netflow
Answer: (D)SNMP
৮। Which of the following TCP/IP addresses constitute the loopback address?
Answer: (D)
৯। The only language understood by a digital computer is called –
(A) Assembly language
(B) High level language
(C) Binary language
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C) Binary language
১০। Register Circuit is not used in-
(A) digital clocks
(B) Computers
(D) Amplifier
Answer: (A) digital clocks
১১। Which one is a universal logic gate?
Answer: (A)NAND
ব্যাখা: NAND and NOR Gates are called Universal Gates because all the other gates can be created by using these gates.
১২। When cutting and pasting, cutting section is temporarily stored in
(B) Hard drive
(C) Diskette
উত্তর: (D)Clipboard
ব্যাংক নিয়োগ কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
১৩। If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?
উত্তর: (C)Format
১৪। You can move between two or more Excel files opened by using the
(A)ctrl + tab
(B)ctrl + page up
(C)ctrl + page down
(D)ctrl + F9
উত্তর: (A) ctrl + tab
১৫। The process of transforming files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called
(A) Forwarding
(B) Downloading
(D) Uploading
উত্তর: (B) Downloading
১৬। You can detect spelling and grammar errors by
(A)Press Shift + F7
(B)Press Ctrl + F7
(C)Press Alt + F7
(D) Press F7
উত্তর: (D)Press F7
১৭। Verification of a login name and password is known as:
(D)logging in
উত্তর: (B)authentication
১৮। Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?
(A)Status bar
(B)Tool bar
(C)Menu bar
(D)Title bar
উত্তর: (B)Tool bar
১৯। ________ are software which is used to do particular task.
(A)Operating system
উত্তর: (D)Programs
২০। All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT:
(D)None of them
উত্তর: (B)Spam
২১। A light-sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is
(D)None of these
Answer: (C)Scanner
Exp: Scanner is a light-sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form.
২২। Which of the following memory is non-volatile?
(D)None of these
Answer: (A)ROM
২৩। Which network protocol is used to send e-mail?
Answer: (A)SMTP
Exp: SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
২৪। The operating system manages.
(D)All of the above
Answer: (D)All of the above
ব্যাংক নিয়োগ কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
২৫। Ctrl + N is used to
(A)Save Document
(B)Open Document
(C)New Document
(D)Close Document
Answer: (C)New Document
Exp: Ctrl + S = Save Document; Ctrl + V = Paste; Ctrl + O = Open File
২৬। Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes?
(C)Print Preview
(D)None of these
Answer: (B)Formatting
Exp: মাইক্রোসফট ওয়ার্ড ২০০৩ ভার্সন অনুযায়ী Formatting toolbar এর মাধ্যমে
২৭। Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in
(A)Web layout view
(B)Print Layout view
(C)Reading View
(D)Print Preview
Answer: (D)Print Preview
২৮। What is the default font size of a new Word document based on Normal template?
(A)9 pt
(B)12 pt
(C)14 pt
(D)None of above
Answer: (B)12 pt
Exp: ২০০৩ ভার্সনে ডিফল্ট ফন্ট সাইজ ১২ ছিল। আর বর্তমানে ডিফল্ট ফন্ট সাইজ ১১।
২৯। A Microsoft Windows is a(n)
(A)Graphic program
(B)Operating system
(C)Word Processing
(D)Database program
Answer: (B)Operating system
Exp: Operating system designed and produced by Microsoft Corporation.
৩০। Which of the following Operating System does not implement multitasking truly?
(B)Windows NT
(D)Windows XP
Answer: (C)MS DOS
৩১। A special type of memory chip that holds software that can be read but not written to
(B)Mother Board
Answer: (C)ROM
৩২। The set of instructions that tells the computer what to do is
Answer: (C)Software
৩৩। Which of the following will not protect you from spam?
(A)spam blockers
(B)e-mail rules
(D)popup blocker
Answer: (D)popup blocker
৩৪। ________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.
(A)The operating system
(B)The motherboard
(C)The platform
(D)Application software
Answer: (A)The operating system
৩৫। Which of the following is used for close a tab on a browser?
(B)Ctrl + A
(C)Ctrl + W
Answer: (C) Ctrl + W
Ctrl+Y = ব্রাউজারে কিছুই হবে না।
Ctrl + A = Select All.
Ctrl+T = New Tab.
৩৬। Which of the following is a correct format of Email address?
(B) care@website@com
(C) carewebsite.com
Answer: (A) [email protected]
ব্যাংক নিয়োগ কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
৩৭। Which among following is associated with excel?
(B)Graphic program
(C)Microsoft office
(D)None of these
Answer: (A) Spreadsheet
৩৮। Wi-Fi uses –
(A)optic fiber
(B)radio waves
(C)phase line
Answer: (B) radio waves
৩৯। What should be used if a company wants to include its company name and logo at the bottom of every age of a brochure?
Answer: (A) Footer
৪০। Protection and the Protect Sheet options can be selected from?
Answer: (D) Tools
৪১। In order to tell Excel that we are catering a formula in cell, we must begin with an operator such as-
Answer: (B) =
৪২। The bar at the top of a window that bears the name of the window is known as
(A)Control Panel
(C)Title bar
(D)Menu bar
Answer: (C) Title bar
৪৩। Different icons of application software can be found in which bar in latest version of Microsoft Windows?
(A)Start Menu
(D)Control Panel
Answer: (A) Start Menu
৪৪। What is the short cut key for line break?
(A)Shift + Enter
(C) Space + Enter
(D) Alt + Enter
Answer: (A) Shift + Enter
৪৫। In which window we display data in the form of tables in a row or column format In MS-Access
Answer: (D) Datasheet
৪৬। If you press ____, the cell accepts your typing as its contents ?
Answer: (B) Enter
৪৭। Which type of device is used by banking websites to enter the password and prevent keystroke legging?
(A)Virtual keyboard
(C)Light Pen
Answer: (A) Virtual keyboard
৪৮। Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen?
(A)Tab stop box
(B)Left Indent
(C)Center Indent
(D)Right Indent
Answer: (C) Center Indent
ব্যাংক নিয়োগ কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
৪৯। Which file is responsible to start MS Word?
Answer: (A) Winword.exe
৫০। Which among following is not associated with spelling dialogue box?
(A)Ignore All
Answer: (B) Edit
৫১। The ——– is the physical path over which a message travels
Answer: (D) Medium
৫২। Help Menu is available at which button?
Answer: (A) Start
৫৩। Which of the following can be used to select the entire document?
(A)ALT + F5
Answer: (B) CTRL + A
৫৪। ——- is the term used to define all output and input devices in the computer system?
(D)None of these
Answer: (C) Hardware
৫৫। Which protocol provides e-mail facility among different hosts?
Answer: (A) SMTP
৫৬। What device includes an adapter that decodes data sent in radio signals
(C)Digital Translator
(D)None of these
Answer: (B) Router
৫৭। Radio link is a tool of banking communication in a
(A)WAN area
(B)Remote area
(C)LAN area
(D)VAN area
Answer: (B) Remote area
৫৮। A commonly used graphic format for the Web is
Answer: (A) GIF
৫৯। What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?
(A)Page Setup
Answer: (C) Section
৬০। Which key will open an Open dialogue box?
(C)Alt + F12
Answer: (A) Ctrl+F12
ব্যাংক নিয়োগ কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
৬১। Which of the following keyboard shortcut can be used for creating a chart from the selected cells?
Answer: (B) F11
৬২। Identify the volatile storage device amongst the following devices?
(B)Hard disc
(C)Magnetic tape
Answer: (D) RAM
৬৩। Web site’s main page is called its
(B)Browser page
(C)Search Page
Answer: (A) Homepage
৬৪। To open an existing workbook, click the Open button on the toolbar?
Answer: (C) Standard
৬৫। Which of the following requires computer memory in large amounts?
(D)All of above
Answer: (D) All of above
৬৬। Special set of characters that computer associates with specific user identification is classified as
(B)identity code
(C)inquiry code
(D)dump code
Answer: (A) password
৬৭। Device which converts digital signals into sound and sound from telephone handset into digital signals is classified as
(A)digital coupler
(B)analogue coupler
(C)acoustic coupler
(D)terminal coupler
Answer: (C) acoustic coupler
৬৮। What type of network provides access to the regional service providers and typically span distances greater than 100 miles?
Answer: (B) MAN
৬৯। ____ provides a connection-oriented reliable service for sending message.
(D)None of these
Answer: (A) TCP
৭০। Which of the following type is not supported for mobile application viewing for Google docs?
(B)Word processor files
(C)Database files
(D)All of these
Answer: (C) Database files
৭১। A device that allows one of several analog or digital input signals which are to be selected and transmits input that is selected into a single medium is called
(A)signal changer
(C) demultiplexer
(D)digital transmitter
Answer: (B) multiplexer
৭২। Which of the following medium is used for broadband local networks?
(B)Optic fiber
Answer: (C) CATV
ব্যাংক নিয়োগ কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
৭৩। Interleaving of records to form one file containing all records is classified as
(C)file learning
Answer: (A) merging
৭৪। Process of converting data or information into for which is readily available for processing is called
(D)data organization
Answer: (A) encoding
৭৫। Language compilers and interpreters does not translate statements correctly when they have
(A)transcription error
(B)base errors
(C)syntax error
(D)logical error
Answer: (C) syntax error
৭৬। Which of the following programming helps you to learn Android programming?
Ans: (C) Java
৭৭। Which one is modern light weight message exchange format?
Ans: (A) JSON
৭৮। In C++, the idea to hiding the details of how something is implemented is known as-
(D) polymorphism
Ans: (B) encapsulation
৭৯। ______ are introduced in Fourth Generation Computers:
(B)Vacuum Tubes
(C)Integrated Circuits
(D)None of these
Answer: (A) Microprocessors
৮০। Which one is called the brain of computer?
(D)None of these
Answer: (C) CPU
Exp: Microprocessor, CPU
৮১। Which of the following is not an input device?
(D)All of these
Answer: (A) Plotter
৮২। Which one is the largest space?
(D)None of these
Answer: (B) Petabyte
৮৩। Every computer connected to the Internet is identified by a unique four-part string, known as
(A)Host name
(B)Domain name
(C)IP address
(D)All of these
Answer: (C) IP address
৮৪। The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data and/or information is a
(A)Title bar
(C)Dialog box
Answer: (D) Window