Computer Database Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.
কম্পিউটার ডাটাবেজ বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তরসমূহ ।
This set is about Oracle Distributed Transaction and Distributed Database, we believe these MCQ will help you to learn or revise something needs for competitive exams.
1) A mechanism which ensures that simultaneous execution of more than one transaction does not lead to any database inconsistencies is called ……………… mechanism.
Ans: concurrency control
2) The transaction wants only to read the data item of mode is called as …….
Ans: Shared Mode
3) Any execution of a set of transactions is called as its ………
Ans: Schedule
4) ………… is program or set of program that interacts with the database at some point in its execution.
Ans: A database application
5) ………. component of a database is responsible for ensuring atomicity and durability.
Ans: recovery management
6) The activity of ensuring atomicity in the presence of Transaction aborts is called ……….
Ans: transaction recovery
7) A ………….is a set of rules that state when a transaction may lock or unlock each of the data items in the database
Ans: locking protocol
8) ……………… is a collection of programs performing all necessary action associated with a database.
Ans: Database management system
9) Which protocol permits release of exclusive locks only at the end of transaction?
Ans: Strict two phase locking protocol
10) The activity of providing Durability of the transaction is called …..
Ans: database recovery
11) Which protocol allows a transaction to lock a new data item only if that transaction has not yet unlocked data item?
Ans: Two phase locking protocol
12) ………. is a collection of application programs that interacts with the database along with DBMS.
Ans: A database system
13) …….. ensures that once transaction completes successfully, the results of the operations become permanent.
Ans: durability
14) A ……. contains information for undoing or redoing all the actions performed by the transactions.
Ans: Log
15) A …………. is a unit of program execution that accesses and possibly updates various data items.
Ans: transaction
16) Transaction is an action used to perform some manipulation on data stored in the ……..
Ans: Database
17) A transaction is terminated if it has ……..
Ans: running state
18) The two possible communication errors are, Lost messages and …….
Ans: Network Partitions
19) The only way to undo the effects of a committed transaction is to execute a …….
Ans: compensating transaction
20) In ………., one or more users/programs attempt to access the same data at the same time.
Ans: concurrency
- ………………….. is the collection of memory structures and Oracle background processes that operates against an Oracle database.
Ans: Instance
- A ………………………… is a logical grouping of database objects, usually to facilitate security, performance, or the availability of database objects such as tables and indexes.
Ans: tablespace
- A tablespace is further broken down into …………………
Ans: segments
- ……………………….. is a contiguous group of blocks allocated for use as part of a table, index, and so forth.
Ans: extent
- ……………… is the smallest unit of allocation in an Oracle database.
Ans: Database Block
- An Oracle ………………………..is a set of tables and views that are used as a read-only reference about the database.
Ans: Data dictionary
- A data dictionary is created when a …………………. created.
Ans: Database
- An Oracle object type has two parts the …………………. and …………………….
Ans: Specification and body
- By, default, Oracle object types are ………………………
- A method modifier tells Oracle that new subtypes may not override a method is called …………….