এবি ব্যাংক (AB Bank) সহকারী অফিসার নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ২০১৪

এবি ব্যাংক (AB Bank)

এবি ব্যাংক (AB Bank) সহকারী অফিসার নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ২০১৪
AB Bank Limited Assistant Officer Job Exam Question and Answer 2014

Part One: Multiple Choice Questions; Marks: 50


1. In a decision to retain or replace equipment, the book value of the old equipment is a(n)
A. opportunity cost
B. sunk cost
C. incremental cost
D. marginal cost
E. None of these

যন্ত্রপাতি, দালানকোঠা ইত্যাদি স্থায়ী সম্পদের rank value এক ধরণের Historical cost

2. What does the credit term 2/10, n/30 mean?

A. 2% discount on amount paid within 30 days
B. Due amount is to be paid within 30 days
C. 2% discount on amount paid within 10 days
D. Both B&C
E. None of these


Both B&C

3. Which of the following should not be called “Sales”?
A. Goods sold for cash
B. Office fixtures sold
C. Sale of item previously included in Purchases
D. Goods sold on credit
E. None of These

Option-B Office fixtures কোন নিয়মিত পণ্য নয়।

4. Working capital is calculated as:
A. Current assets minus current liabilities
B. Total assets minus total liabilities
C. Long term liabilities minus current liabilities
D. Both B & C
E. None of these

Option-A Current assets minus current liabilities

5. Capital Expenditure is:
A. The extra capital paid in by the proprietor
B. The costs of running the business on a day-to-day basis
C. Money spent on buying fixed assets or adding value in them
D. Money spent on selling fixed assets
E. None of these

Money spent on buying fixed assets or adding value in them

6. One country enjoys a comparative advantage over another in producing oil when-
A. it has more oil than the other country
B. it can produce oil at a lower opportunity cost than the other country
C. it does not need to import oil
D. it wants to export as much oil as possible
E. none of these

Money spent on buying fixed assets or adding value in them

7. The minimum number of partners in a private limited company is –
A. 1
B. 2
C. 7
D. 10
E. None of these


8. Which of the following skills involves working well with other people?
A. Technical
B. Human
C. Computer
D. Empirical
E. None of these

Option-A Technical

9. A product bought by final consumer for personal consumption is called:
A. Consumption Product
B. Shopping Product
C. Consumer Product
D. Unsought Product
E. None of these

Consumer Product

10. The financial statement that reports revenue and expenses is the:
A. Income statement
B. Owner’s equity statement
C. Balance sheet
D. Cash flow statement
E. None of these

Income statement

Instruction: In each of the following sentences, there is one word missing. Identify the missing word from the given choices (Questions:11 to 15)

11. Which method of organizing content points you did feel more comfortable?
A. among
B. with
C. have
D. between
E. No word is missing

Which method of organizing content among points you did feel more comfortable

12. Sometimes, it is better to contain one’s glee if is the result of another person’s loss.
A. than
B. for
C. of
D. it
E. No word is missing

Sometimes, it is better to contain one’s glee if it is the result of another person’s loss.

13. The ultimate test of a good education is supposed to be that it teaches to think.
A. you
B. all
C. if
D. by
E. No word is missing

The ultimate test of a good education is supposed to be that it teaches all to think

14. We were deafened by the roar of explosion at the powder factory.
A. from
B. the
C. of
D. between
E. No word is missing

We were deafened by the roar of explosion at the powder factory

15. He not creates miracles, but he can provide consistent and solid performance.
A. will
B. should
C. rather
D. may
E. No word is missing

He may not creates miracles, but he can provide consistent and solid performance.

In each of the following sentences, fill in the blank(s) using appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) [Questions:16 to 20]

16. Soothing music helps us to — after a long day at work and therefore —- stress levels.
A. relax – enhances
B. unwind – diminishes
C. settle down – slow
D. concentrate – reduces
E. none of these

Soothing music helps us to concentrates after a long day at work and therefore reduces stress levels.

17. The scheme is a good one but do not get — by it; it has not been — yet.
A. carried ahead -decided
B. carried away – approved
C. blown off – implemented
D. blown into – sanctioned
E. none of these

The scheme is a good one but do not get carried ahead by it; it has not been decided yet.

18. The patient is still seriously ill but I am sure he will — all right.
A. pull into
B. pull through
C. came around
D. pull up
E. none of these

The patient is still seriously ill but I am sure he will pull through all right.

19. We were — by heavy traffic on our way to the airport.
A. caught down
B. made late
C. held up
D. meet
E. none of these

We were held up by heavy traffic on our way to the airport.

20. Small investors who are — of the sponsors and directors’ intents, consequently —their hard-earned money in the stock market.
A. aware-recoup
B. ignorant-loss
C. oblivious-lose
D. unmindful – retrieve
E. none of these

Small investors who are oblivious of the sponsors and directors’ intents, consequently lose their hard-earned money in the stock market.


21. কোনটি অলুক তৎপুরুষ সমাসের উদাহরণ?
A. কলে ছাটা
B. মাথায় হাত
C. হাতে কলমে
D. গায়ে হলুদ
E. কোনোটিই নয়

উত্তরঃ কলে ছাটা।
অলুক তৎপুরুষ: ‘অলুক’শব্দের অর্থ লুপ্ত না হওয়া।অর্থাৎ পূর্বপদের বিভক্তি লোপ না পেয়ে যে তৎপুরুষ সমাস হয়,তাকে অলুক তৎপুরুষ সমাস বলা হয়। যেমন: তেলে ভাজা = তেলেভাজা; কলুর বলদ = কলুরবলদ, কলে ছাটা ইত্যাদি।

22. বাংলাদেশ সপ্ন দ্যাখে গ্রন্থটির লেখক কে?
A. সুফিয়া কামাল
B. নির্মলেন্দু গুন
C. সৈয়দ শামসুল হক
D. শামসুর রাহমান
E. কোনোটিই নয়

উত্তরঃ শামসুর রাহমান

23. স্বভাবতই মূর্ধন্য ষ হয়- এমন উদাহরণ কোনটি?
A. কৃষক
B. বর্ষা
C. ঔষধ
D. কাস্ট
E. কোনটিই নয়

উত্তরঃ ঔষধ
কিছু শব্দ স্বভাবতই মূর্ধন্য-ষ হয়। যেমন- আষাঢ়, নিষ্কর, পাষাণ, ষোড়শ, ঔষধ ইত্যাদি।

24. ‘সেতার’ এর ‘সে’ কোন অর্থ দ্যোতনা করে।
A. তার
B. অনেক
C. প্রত্যেক
D. সকল
E. কোনটিই নয়



25. দ্রুত উচ্চারণের জন্য শব্দের আদি, অন্ত বা মধ্যবর্তী কোন স্বরধ্বনি লোপ পেলে তাকে কি বলে?
A. সমীভবন
B. সম্প্রকর্ষ
C. স্বরাগম
D. স্বরসঙ্গতি
E. কোনটিই নয়



26. মাথায় শব্দটির সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?
A. মাথা+আয়
B. মাথা+য়
C. মাথা+অয়
D. মাথা+এ
E. কোনটিই নয়



27. নুরুল মোমেনের নেমেসিস কোন ধরনের রচনা ?
A. নাটক
B. উপন্যাস
C. প্রবন্ধগ্রন্থ
D. কাব্যগ্রন্থ
E. কোনটিই নয়



28. ‘কাচি’ কোন ধরনের শব্দ ?
A. আরবি
B. ফরাসি
C. হিন্দি
D. তুর্কি
E. কোনটিই নয়


29. বাংলা সাহিত্যের ‘দুঃখবাদী কবি’কে?
A. গোবিন্দ্রচন্দ্র দাস
B. যতীন্দ্রনাথ সেনগুপ্ত
C. সুকান্ত ভ্ট্টাচার্য
D. রামেন্দ্রসুন্দর ত্রিবেদী
E. কোনটিই নয়

যতীন্দ্রনাথ সেনগুপ্ত।

30. সাধুভাষা থেকে চলিত ভাষায় লিখতে কোন পদযুগলের পরিবর্তন ঘটে ?
A. সর্বনাম ও ক্রিয়া
B. বিশেষ্য ও বিশেষণ
C. বিশেষণ ও ক্রিয়া
D. বিশেষ্য ও সর্বনাম
E. কোনটিই নয়

সর্বনাম ও ক্রিয়া।

Aptitude Test

31. If x=2y=3z and xyz=36, what is the value of z?
A. 2
B. √2
C. √3
D. 3
E. None of these


32. A ferry, when empty, travels twice as first as when it is full. It travels 20 miles south with a cargo, spends 30 minutes for unloading, and returns to its original port empty in total of 8 hours, what is the speed of the ferry when it is empty.
A. 8 mph
B. 10 mph
C. 12 mph
D. 15 mph
E. None of these

8 mph

33. A bicycle has two wheels (one large and one small) of 120 cm and 40 cm in diameters.When the large wheel makes 10 revolutions, how many revolutions does the small wheel make in that time?
A. 15
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
E. None of these


34. In a college, 45% of the students are boys. If 40% of the boys and 20% of the girls went on a picnic what percentage on the total students went to the picnic?
A. 18%
B. 24%
C. 29%
D. 30%
E. None Of these

Boys = 45%,
So girls = 55%
Boys went to picnic = 40% of 45% =18%
and Girls went to picnic =20% of 55% =11%
Total students went on a picnic= (18 +11)% = 29% (Ans)

35. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B. What is the ratio of A and B?
A. 1 : 1
B. 2 : 3
C. 2 : 5
D. 4 : 3
E. None Of these



36. Baki lives 2 miles west of Raju’s house. Rafiq lives 3 miles of Kaju’s house and 2miles west of Diba’s house. What is the straight-line distance from Baki’s house to Diba’s house?
A. 5 miles
B. 6 miles
C. 7 miles
D. 10 miles
E. None Of these


5 miles

37. On Tuesday, 30 of the students in a class took a test and their average score was 83.5 On Thursday, the other 5 students took the test, and their average score was 94. What was the avenge for the entire class?

A. 83.5%
B. 84.5%
C. 85%
D. 88.2%
E. None Of these



38. If the average of 7, 13, p and q is 17, what is the average of (p+11) and (q-9)?

A. 50
B. 25
C. 21
D. 14
E. none of these



39. A circular logo is enlarged to fit the lid of a jar.The new diameter is SO percent larger than the original. By what percent has the area of the logo increased?

A. 50
B. 80
C. 100
D. 125
E. none of these



40. At a particular moment, if the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock is 105°, what was the time by the clock at that time?

A. 6 : 20
B. 6 : 40
C. 3 : 15
D. 3 : 3
E. none of these


None of these

General knowledge

41. Which one of the following is not an internet search engine ?

A. Google
C. Windows
D. Yahoo
E. None of these



42. Which one of the following sectors got the highest allocation for expenditure in Bangladesh’s national budget 2013-14 ?
A. Agriculture
B. Defense
C. Public Administration
D. Health
E. None of these

Public Administration
Public Administration (32,094 corer) which is 14.4 percent of total budget

43. The name of the first Bangladeshi female conquering the Everest is –
A. Nishat Mazumder
B. Wasfia Naznin
C. Rumana Rahman
D. Kalpana Chakma
E. none of these


Nishat Mazumder

44. Which of the following trees is the national tree of Bangladesh?

A. Jackfruit Tree
B. Palm Tree
C. Mango Tree
D. Banyan Tree
E. none of these


Mango Tree

45. To which sport is the name “Usain Bolt” related?

A. Rughy
B. Athletics
C. Baseball
D. Basketball
E. none of these



Usain St. Leo Bolt,is a Jamaican sprinter. Regarded as the fastest person ever, he is the first man to hold both the 100 metres and 200 metres world records since fully automatic time measurements became mandatory in 1977. Along with his teammates, he also set the world record in the 4×100 metres relay.Bolt at the 2013 World Championships in Athletics.

46. Which one of the following is the latest gas field identified by BAPEX?

A. Srikail
B. Bibiana
C. Lalmai
D. Bhangura
E. none of these



Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited (BAPEX) have started exploiting gas on an experimental basis from Comilla’s Srikail gas field-3.The field, located in Muradnagar Upazila’s Maklishpur, is the 25th gas field of the country.The Srikail field was discovered in July 2012. This is the third gas field in the Muradnagar area.

47. Who discovered the genomics of jute?

A. Maksdul Alam
B. Abed Chowdhry
C. Kudrat-E-Khuda
D. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal
E. none of these


Maksdul Alam

48. Which one of the following countries is a G-7 country?

A. Brazil
B. Canada
C. Sweden
D. China
E. none of these


The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal bloc of industrialized democracies–the United States, Canada France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom–that meets annually to discuss issues such as global economic governance, international security, and energy policy.Russia belonged to the forum from 1998 through 2014–then the Group of Eight (G8)

49. Which one of the following is not an official language of the United Nations?

A. Arbic
B. Russain
C. Chinese
D. Portuguese
E. none of these


There are six official languages of the UN. These are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

50. Which UN body deals with population problem?

E. none of these

Abbreviation: United Nations Fund for Population Activities
New Name: United Nations Population Fund
Establish: 1969
Headquarter: New York

Part 2: Descriptive Type Questions [20 Marks]

Critical Writing: [10 Marks]
1. “Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high level of productivity.”——- Discuss.

Problem Solving: (Show your calculations/steps) [5×2=10 Marks]
2. (i) Mr. Zahir received Eid Bonus of Tk.7,875. He distributed the money among his three daughters named Lipi, Rimi, and Shahnaz. Lipi got 3/5 of what Shahnaz got. Shahnaz got double of what Rimi got. Determine the actual amount of money that each of the sisters got.
Answer: Rimi Gets= 1875Tk, Shanaz gets=3750Tk and Lipi gets=2250Tk

(ii) Abul lent Tk. 5000 to Bokul for 2 years and Tk. 3000 to Chunnu for 4 years on simple interest at the same rate of interest and received Tk. 2200 in all both of them as interest. What is the rate of interest per annum?
Answer: 10%

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