বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট প্রোগ্রামার পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নপত্র ও উত্তর ২০১৬
Bangladesh Bank Assistant Programmer (AP) Recruitment Exam Question and Solution 2016
Written Part
Q1. What is tautology? A statement like (A->B)^B was given and said to prove it is a tautology by using truth table.
Q2. Write prefix and postfix notations from the statement like ((A+B)*C-(D-E)^F)
Q3. What is polymorphism? What is the difference between method overriding and method overloading?
Q4. What is main difference between Domain and Workgroup?
Q5. Write a structured program to display Fibonacci series up to 100 Numbers.
Q5. Find time and space complexity like below pseudo code
for 1 to n
for j=1 to 3
for i=j to n
Q6. There was a paragraph about forest destruction by human and its effect to the environment.
Based on above topic there was five questions.
Q7. Define ‘integrity rules’ of a database systems. Write a SQL query to get the second highest salary from Employee table.
Q10. What is cardinality and modality?
Q11. Translate into English
(i) আবহাওয়া বার্তা অনুযায়ী আগামীকাল বিকেলে বৃষ্টি হবে ।
(ii) প্রত্যেকেই চাই যে তার স্বপ্ন গুলো সত্যি হবে ।
(iii) আমি যে ফলগুলো কিনেছিলাম তা পচা ছিল ।
(iv) সুন্দরবনে বিরল প্রজাতির মৌমাছি পাওয়া যায় ।
(v) টিকেটের জন্য আপনাকে অন্তত এক ঘণ্টা অপেক্ষা করতে হবে ।
Q12. Man’s are judge their life according to social status and possessions. Are you agree or disagree about that opinions ? Write comments about your thinking with example. Sentences not more then 10.
Q13. How many times HTML Tag is used web pages? How can you comments at web page so that browser not read this?
MCQ Part
Most of the question was from Data Structure topic in the MCQ part. I can’t remember all the questions
Q1. Who is the first Bangladeshi women to scale mount Everest?
(i) Nishat Majumder (ii) Wasfia Nazreen
Q2. What is SDLC?
(Software Development Life Cycle)
Q3. There is no embassy of which country at Bangladesh?
(i) Bhutan (ii) Nepal (iii) Maldives
Q4. Which is correct for stack?
i) FIFO ii) LIFO
Q5. Pundranagar is is the previous name of
(i) Comilla (ii) Barishal (iii) Bogura (iv) Dhaka
Q6. Which is correct ?
(i) <body color=’yellow’>
(ii) <body bgcolor=’yellow’>
(iii) <body background>yellow<body>
(iv) <body background=’yellow’>
Q7. Which is correct to open new window/tab of browser
(i) <a href="http://www.example.com" target="_blank">new window/tab</a>
(ii) <a href="http://www.example.com" target="blank">new window/tab</a>
(iii) <a href="http://www.example.com" target="new window">new window/tab</a>
Q8. Which is the correct variable declaration in JavaScript?
(i) var a={‘a’,’b’,’c’};
(ii) var a={‘a’ ‘b’ ‘c’}
(iii) var a={“a” “b” “c”}
Q9. Which is correct for calculating sum in PHP
(i) $add=$add+1 (ii) $add = $add + $add +1
(iii) $add = $add + $add (iv) $add .=+1;
Q10. Which is used for adding two or more string in PHP
(i) + (ii) * (iii) . (iv) |
Q11. Which is the slowest algorithm
(i) Bubblesort (ii) Quicksort (iii) Heapsort
Q12. Find the correct arranged data after stack operation
push(1), push(2), pop, push(1), push(2), pop, pop, pop, push(2)
(i) 2 2 1 1 2 (ii) 2 2 1 2 1 (iii) 2 2 2 2 1
Q13. Stack operations are
(i) delete, insertion (ii) insertion, delete (iii) push,pop (iv)
pop, push
Q14. Whole network will break if bus is defect in which network topology?
(i) Star (ii) Bus (iii) Mesh (iv) Hybrid
Q15. Which is the keywords of structured programming?
(i) Keywords (ii) Constant (iii) volatile (iv) Above all
Q16. Repeated data exist at
(i) unnormalized
(ii) 1NF
(iii) 2NF
(iv) 3NF
Q17. Who is get the Nobel prize at literature in 2015?
Q18. Server machine is connected to
(i) network
(ii) client
(iii) super computer
(iv) Host
Q19. What does break statement?
Q20. What does continue statement?
Q21. The value 9.87 to 10 when use
(i) floor () (ii) ceil()
Q22. What is the alternative name of Direct graph?
Q23. Which is not linear
(i) linked list (ii) array (iii) graph
Q24. Which is not work of Data link layer?
(i) error control
(ii) adding MAC address
Q25. Which is G-7 country
(i) Bangladesh (ii) India (iii) Japan (iv) Pakistan
Q26. Who is started to calculate bangla year?
(i) Shaista Khan (ii) Akbar (iii) Shah suja