বাংলাদেশ ডাক বিভাগ এর মেইল অপারেটর পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান ২০১৯।
Bangladesh Post Office Mail Operator exam Question and Solution 2019.
Exam date: 23-08-2019

English Part Mail Operator MCQ Question Solve.
36. Which of the following word can be used as a verb- Master
37. I will phone you when I —-the news. get
38. I——- to his house yesterday but could not meet- went
39. The correct passive form of “I know him” is– He known to me.
40. The correct passive form of “Open the window” is- Let the window be opened
41. The meaning of “starch” is- put an end to
42. The synonym of “delude” is- deceive
43. The meaning of “soft soap” is– flattery for self motives
44. The meaning of “White elephant” is–a very costly and troublesome possession
45. Translate into English “কেটলিতে পানি টগবগ করছে”–The water is simmering in the kettle.
46. Translate into English “আমি এটা না করে পারলাম না”- I could not help doing it
47. The passive form of “Do you know him”- is–Is he known to you?
48. Change the speech ” what do you want?” She asked him—She asked him what he wanted.
49. The noun of the word believe is– the belief
50. The passive form of “You are to color this picture “ is– The picture is to be colored by you.
51. Modern farms are much larger than — of former times. that
52. The prefix “poly” in word “ polygamy” expressed in the sense- Many
53. The prefix “mis” can be added to–Misfir