বিসিএস সহ বিভিন্ন চাকরির পরীক্ষায় কম্পিউটার ও তথ্য প্রযুক্তি থেকে বহু বার আসা কিছু প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর।
Computer and Information Technology Related question and answer of previous BCS and any other Competitive Exams.
Abbreviations/ পূর্ণরূপ:
01. RAM = Random Access Memory.
02. ROM = Read Only Memory.
03. CD = Compact Disk. (DVD – Digital Video Disk)
04. GB = Giga Byte.
05. HDD = Hard Disk Drive.
06. FDD = Floppy Disk Drive.
07. CPU = Central Proccessing Unit.
08. BIOS = Basic Input Output System.
09. E-MAIL = Electronic Mail.
10. LAN = Local Area Network.
11. MAN = Metropoliton Area Network.
12. WAN = Wide Area Network.
13. WWW = World Wide Web.
14. USB = Universal Serial Bus.
15. PC = Personal Computer.
16. HTML = Hyper Text Mark Up Language.
17. HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
18. VIRUS = Vital Information Resources Under Seize.
19. ICT = Information and Communication Technology.
20. Wifi-Wireless fidelity
21. WimaX – Worldwide Interoperability for microwave access
22. bps- bits per second
23. IP- Internet Protocol
24. TCP-Transfer Control Protocol
25. FTP-File Transfer Protocol
26. SMTP-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
27. POST- Power on self Start
28. URL- Uniform resource locator
29. GPS – Global Positioning System
30. GSM- Global System of Mobile communication
31. GPRS = General Packet Radio Service
32. Windows XP= Windows Experience
33. SIM= Subscriber Identity Module
34. SMS= Short Message Service
35. MMS= Multimedia Messaging Service
36. PIN= Personal Identity Number
37. PUK= Personal Unblocking Key
38. ISD= International Subscriber Dialing
39. ASCII– American Standard Code for Information Interchange
40. DB— Database
41. DBMS– Database Management System
44. UPS—Uninterrupted Power Supply
43. ISP— Internet Service Provider
44. LCD –Liquid Crystal Display.
45. LED —Light Emitting Diode.
46. VLSI– Very Large Scale Integration
47. VOIP–Voice Over Internet Protocol
48. VPN — Virtual Private Network.
49. VSAT–Very Small Aperture Terminal
50. SNS – Social Network Service.
51. SQL— Structured Query Language
52. PNG— Portable Network Graphics
53. OS— Operating System
54. DOS-Disk Operating System
55. OCR— Optical Character Recognition
56. OMR- Optical mark Recognition
57. MIDI–Musical Instrument Digital Interface
58. MPEG – Moving Pictures Experts Group.
59. PDF-Portable Document Format
60. ISP— Internet Service Provider
61. JPEG— Joint Photographic Expert Group