HSC প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজী ১ম ও ২য় পত্র সাজেশন (এইচ এস সি পরীক্ষা ২০১৯)
HSC English Suggestion for First and Second Paper Exam 2019 [Writing Part – Paragraph, Composition, Completing Story, Formal Letter or Application and Report writing]
1. Dowry system
2. Diaspora
3. Ideal student
4. adolescence
5. Folk music
6. Climate change
7. Child labour
8. Street children
9. Mobile phone
10. Learning English
11. Drug addiction
12. Traffic jam
1. Student & social service
2. Floods in Bangladesh
3. Patriotism
4. Childhood memories
5. Unemployment problem
6. Population problem
7. Wonders of modern science
8. Newspaper
9. Future plan of life
10. Digital Bangladesh
11. Rivers of Bangladesh
12. The Journey by boat
Completing Story
1. Who is to bell the cat
2. An honest wood cutter
3. Shepherd boy
4. Cobbler
5. Sheikh Saadi
6. Byazid Bostami
7. King Lear
8. The scholar & the boatman
Formal letter
1. Multimedia classroom
2. Study tour
3. Debating Club
4. Library facilities
5. Stage Drama
6. Repaired a damage road
7. Seat in the school hostel
8. Common room facilities
Report writing
1. Fire incident
2. Price hike
3. Slum dwellers
4. Drug addiction
5. Food adulteration
6. Traffic jam
7. Cause of failure in English
8. Deforestation