বিডিবিএল (বাংলাদেশ ডেভেলপমেন্ট ব্যাংক লিমিটেড) ব্যাংক এ সিনিয়র অফিসার নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নোত্তর ও সমাধান ২০১৭
BDBL Full and Final MCQ Examination Questions Solution 2017
Exam held : 24/11/2017
পরীক্ষা অনুষ্ঠিত হয় ঃ ২৪/১১/২০১৭
নিম্নের উত্তরগুলো ছবিতে উল্লেখিত প্রশ্নের সাথে মিলিয়ে নিন (অনুগ্রহপূর্বক আমাদের ভুলগুলো ধরিয়ে দিবেন )
Match the answers with questions given images below. (if there is any wrong please comment the correct answer)
Full Solution (সম্পূর্ন সমাধান ) :
১. বাংলা ভাষায় বহুল প্রচলিত অপপ্রয়োগের উদাহরণ-
ক) তবুও
২. ‘পো ধরা’ বাগধারাটির অর্থ-
খ) অপরের অনুকরণ করা
৩. ‘অর্ণব ও হিল্লোল’ শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ-
ঘ) পয়োধি ও তরঙ্গ
৪. বিশেষণ থেকে বিশেষ্য সাধিত শব্দটি হলো-
ঘ) ঘনত্ব (ঘন থেকে ঘনত্ব)
৫. ‘হ’ এর সাথে ‘ঋ’ যুক্ত হলে যে ধ্বনিটি মহাপ্রাণ হয়-
ঘ) র
৬. বাক্যের মধ্যে প্রথম বন্ধনী চিহ্ন ব্যবহার হয়-
খ) অতিরিক্ত বক্তব্য থাকলে
৭. রবীন্দ্রনাথ রচিত নিচের যে গল্পটির পরিণতি বেদনাবিধুর নয়-
গ) কংকাল
৮. ‘রক্তাশোক’ যে সমাসের উদাহরণ-
খ) তৎপুরুষ
৯. ‘মনীষা’ শব্দের সাথে বেমানান-
গ) এষণ ( এষণ মানে খোঁজা বা অন্বেষণ করা)
১০. বিদেশী উপসর্গের দৃষ্টান্ত-
খ) না
১১. ‘জাগরিত’ শব্দের গঠন-
গ) √জাগ+ইত
১২. জীবনানন্দ দাশের কাবযে ব্যবহৃত ‘শঙ্খমালা’ হলো-
খ) রোমান্টিক কবিকল্পনা
১৩. নিচের যে বাক্য সংকোচন অশুদ্ধ
গ) অতি উচ্চ ক্রুর হাসি =দৃপ্তহাসি
১৪. ‘আসমান’ শব্দে ‘স’ এর উচ্চারণ হল-
গ) দন্ত্য
১৫. নিচের যেটি ক্রমবাচক শব্দ
খ) চতুর্থ
১৬. ‘ To carry coals to Newcastle’ এর অনুবাদ হলো-
গ) তেলে মাথায় তেল দেওয়া
17.Change into passive: Who is creating this mess?
a) By whom is this mess being created.
18. Use Appropriate preposition: Finding himself short_ money, he wrote_his uncle_help.
c) of, to, for
19. The sentence which carries the similar meaning of ‘Even if it rains I shall come.
a) I will certainly come whether it rains or not
20. Generally speaking___peacocks are more beautiful than peahens. The gap requires-
d) no article
21. I gave him a ‘piece of my mind’ states-
C) Expressed anguish
22. A den for small animals is called-
d) Hutch
23. Which is the longest pause?
b) Dash
24. ‘This is my (office) name.’ The suffix which should be added to the bracketed part.
b) -ial
25. The expression ‘Browbeating’ means-
d) Frightening somebody
26. If a man is ‘worth his salt, here he is-
c) a valuable employee
27. We waited until the plane—-
b) took off
28. Fill in the gap: ‘She works six days__week.’
b) a
29. The superlative degree of the word ‘able’ is-
b) ablest
30. The ‘zero plural marker’ is used in-
a) Canon
31. The correct spelling is-
a) surveillance
32. The word ‘Jaunt’ is synonymous to-
a) Short drive
33. A card is randomly drawn from a desk of 52 cards. What is the probability of getting a
King or Queen?
Ans: b) 2/13
34. The diagonal of a rectangle is J41 cm and its area is 20cm2. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
Ans: d) 18 cm
35. ff x – 1/x =√3 then x + 1/x = ?
b) √7
36. The difference between two numbers is 5 and the difference between their squares is 65. What is the larger number?
d) 9
37. The Lengths of two sides of a right angle triangle are 13cm and 5cm respectively. The
length of the third side is?
d) Equal to 12 cm
38. Consider that w+x= -4, x+y=25 and y+w= 15. Then the average of x,w, y is?
d) 6
39. How long will it take for an amount tk. 450 to yield Tk. 81 as interest at 4.5% per
annul of simple interest
a) 4 yrs.
40. Today is Ratul’s 12th birthday and his father’s 40th birthday. How many years from
today will Ratul’s father be twice as old as Ratul’s at that time?
d) 16
41. A grocer buys some eggs at Tk. 3 each. He finds that 12 of them are broken, but he sells
the others at Tk. 4 each and makes profit of Tk. 96. How many eggs did he buy?
c) 144
42. What is the original price of a T-shirt, if the sale price after 15% discount is 272
c) 320
43. The present ages of ,John and Mary are In the ratio of 6 : 4. Five years ago their ages
were in the ratio of 5 :3. How old is John now?
c) 30
44. Tk. 5000 is deposited in a savings account which pay 7% annual interest compounded
semi-annually. To the nearest Taka, how much is in the account at the end of the year?
b) 5356
45. A cricket team has won 40 games out of 60 played. It has 32 more games to play. How
many of these must the team win to make it record 70o/o win for the season?
b) 25
46. Three workers, X, Y and Z, are paid a total of Tk. 5,500 for a particular job. X Is paid
133.33% of the amount paid to Y and Y Is paid 75% of amount paid to Z. How much is
paid to Z?
d) Tk.2000
47. If the interest of tk. H at H% in 4 years is Tk. H then H=?
a) 25
48. logx9 =-2 then x=?
d) 3
49. If 5% is gained by selling an article for tk. 350 then selling it for Tk. 340, the cost of the article is ?
c) BDT.200
50. In first 1000 natural numbers, how many Integers exist such that they leave a
remainder 4 when divided by 7 and e remainder 9 when divided by ll?
b) 13
51. A 240 m long train passed a pole in 24 second. How long will it take to pass a 650 m
long platform?
b) 89 sec.
52. The average of the smallest and largest primes between 60 and 80 is
b) 70
53. In the triangle ABC if AB > AC then which of the following is irue?
d) ∠ACB>∠ABC
54. If x2 -7xy+ y2 is divided by , x- 2y, the result is?
No answer…..Wrong Question
55. 1f the first and sixth term of a geometric series are respectively 1/2 and 1/64 then
common ratio is?
56. If the length of a side of an equilateral triangle is 4 cm Its height is?
a) 2√3)
General Knowledge and Computer
57. Spreadsheet analysis software d) Excel
58. Object Oriented Programming Language b) c
59. Bits used by Unicode to represent one character b) 16
60. The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell C1 and goes over to column H and down to
row 10 is Language Translator b) Assembler
61. Which topology does not allow transferring data directly from computer to computer b) C1:H10
62. Which topology does not allow transferring data directly from computer to computer d) star
63. Trojan horse is a kind of b) Malware
64. Additive colors are d) red,green,blue
65. Highest Foreign Direct Investment from b) USA
66. Present Ambassador of UNDP from BD a) Masheafe Bin Mortuza
67. The percentage of industry in the GDP in BD. c) 28.4%
68. SDG goals b) 17
69. Summit of G-20 hold in 2017. a) Hamburg
70. Latest member of Commonwealth b) Rwanda
71. 5G internet service is in c) South Korea
72. The direction of rotation of earth on its axis. b) West East to
73. ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is used to identify d) books
74. Expected gas reserve in Bhola a) 700
75. The Capital of Catalonia a) Barcelona
76. New CPA chairman elected in 2017 c) Emilia Monjowa Lifaka
77. As per human development index 2017, average per capita income of women. d) $2379
78. Paradise Papers is a b) A confidential e-document
79. The Coalition year: 1996-2012 written by. d) Pranab Mukharjee
80. Total number of documents and collection by the UNESCO. d) 427